One of the many challenges of evangelism around Asia and Africa, is the erecting of suitable church buildings for new converts. Some times, acquiring the land is easy, as people will donate lands.
Putting up a building is where it becomes really difficult. And God wants His people to unite in finishing the work. Act 4:34 Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold. God is not asking us to sell ourselves out of house and land, all that He is asking, is for us to remember those who are less fortunate.
In the time of the Apostles the needs of the poor were supplied; so that there was none among them that lacked. This provision therefore of the community of believers is a good example for us to follow, as we seek to finish the work of the gospel. Let’s remember our brothers and sisters around the world who worship weekly under trees if weather conditions permit them.