Act 27:31 Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers, Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved.
We have here the serious scenario of a ship that is in peril at sea, and the distress of the travellers and crew. We are told the number of people on board (Act 27:37). There are people of distinction, Military men, captain and crew centurion along with common prisoners and Paul a prisoner of righteous. The name of the tempestuous or (hurricane) is “Euroclydon” Act 27:14.
In this moment of panic, fear and anxiety, the skills of the captain and his crew could not help-the skills of the military men could not save them- the money of the rich merchants were useless against the strong winds of Euroclydon that was threatening to break up the ship.
Paul the prisoner of righteousness was in constant communication with God all the time, and knew that Though the angry surges roll-on his tempest-driven soul, he is assured of peace, for he knew that, wildly though the winds may blow, he had an anchor in CHRIST safe and sure, that can evermore endure.
Paul ceased the moment by standing while the heavy waves of the sea were breaking over the ship. He was unafraid and became the commander of the entire company on board, saying, to the centurion and to the soldiers, “Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved.” Paul was convinced of his safety on board, that he said, ye cannot be saved not we. He was so convinced of God and his security that he had no doubt whatsoever, Act_27:24.
The old ship of Zion is a symbolic term for the church of God from the beginning of time. This church of GOD is going through turbulent times. Many Euroclydons are blowing against it, but except ye abide in it, ye cannot be saved.
Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved – God has promised to save our souls, but like Noah could only be saved in the Ark-we can only be saved in the church. There are terrifying and discouraging moments -disappointing and alarming developments. The winds of strange doctrines are blowing, but remember the word of CHRIST, Matthew 16:18…. upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
This old ship of Zion is now bent and battered from the storms of life. The waves are rough but this old ship kept sailing-it Is the old ship of Zion and it will safely make its to harbour, but…. Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved Act 27:31.